價格 & 促銷
우리는 경쟁력있는 가격, 모든 상품의 높은 품질 그리고 일관된 결과를 보장하는 다양한 종류의 와인과 맥주를 보유하고 있습니다. 우리의 상품은 당신의 입과 몸에 맞을 것이라 확신합니다.

우리의 와인과 주스는 3가지 원료에서 비롯됩니다.
  1. RJ Spagnols
    From full bodied reds to light crisp whites, to the refreshing coolers and ciders of Vinoka, RJ Spagnols is the most popular company that provides the highest quality kits for the home winemaker and brewer.
    For the fifth year in a row, RJ Spagnols was awarded the most medals at the 2011 WineMaker International Amateur Wine Competition! It is the largest amateur wine competition in the world, with over 4,200 entries received from as far away as Spain, Norway and Israel.
  2. Cellar Craft
    Founded 50 years ago, it has an extensive winemaking culture and heritage. International grapes, chosen from the vineyards in over 16 regions of 8 countries on 4 continents. Temperature controlled cellars; a flash pasteurizing process within a fully equipped assurance laboratory guarantees the highest quality and results.
  3. Winexperts
    WineMakers Magazine's International Amateur Wine Competition is the largest amateur winemaking competition in North America . At the 2010 competition, wines made with Winexpert's premium quality brands were awarded with more than 240 medals. Wines made from Winexpert’s wine kits have won a total of 1546 medals in the eight annual WineMaker competitions so far.
每瓶 750
每桶最低 $120

每瓶 750 毫升,
每桶最低 $150

每瓶 375 毫升,
30瓶最低 $180

24升,最低 $65

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